Refund Policy

Article 6:
6.1 - Annual Registration: All teams must be registered prior to the beginning of the leagues through the website ( All registration material is done electronically. All teams must be paid in full, in order to play, unless a prearranged payment plan has been approved by the finance department. Failure to complete this process will result in being placed on a waitlist. At registration each player, coach, and team representative must complete medical release forms, media release forms, and code of conduct forms. At registration each team must present an approved team roster, have coaches provide passed background checks through Northeast Futsal Association’s designated insurance company.
6.2 - Refund Policy: Registering a team means completion of a transaction. Money is owed upon registration completion for each and every player upon time of registering. All refund requests must be written to the Executive Committee with proper explanation for refund request. The Executive Committee will discuss and decision will be made. Late fees, processing fees, operational costs will not be refundable and if a refund is given, said costs will be subtracted from the refund. If a player, parent, or other family member, guardian or friend/associate violates the Code of Conduct, then Northeast Futsal has the right to dismiss the player, coach, team, and/or club from the program while still requiring the full payment of what was agreed to upon at the moment of the incident.
6.3 - Club/Team Manager: Each club/team is required to have at least one team member designated as a club/team manager. The club/team manager is responsible for team entry fees and other associated fees with the league. A club is defined as being either an actual club or a youth town travel program and entering at least one team into Northeast Futsal Association competition.
b) If a club is incurring fines and/or infractions on a regular basis, this information will be forwarded to the Executive Committee for review. If the Executive Committee determines that this club’s actions are detrimental to Northeast Futsal Association, they may be subject to removal from competition with no refund from their entire registration fee. Should it be deemed by the Executive Committee that the club can continue in competition, then the club will be required to pay the sum of those outstanding fines before they are allowed to compete again.